Checkpoint 1

  1. Read all three flowcharts, and try out some sample values by hand. Decide which one or ones are correct, and which are incorrect. For any that are incorrect, give a specific value for the weight on which it gives you the wrong price.
  2. Write Java code implementing the logic of the first flowchart. Put your code into the computePostage method of the skeleton class in your package postage1. This is a simple mathematical function that calculates an output from an input. No instance variables are needed, so we can make it a static method. When you have written the code, go to the class in your lab4 package. Make sure the import statement refers to package postage1, and run the main method. Verify that you are getting the results you expect (which, if you believe the flowchart logic to be incorrect, may not match the given "expected" values).

    • You may be alarmed to see output such as "0.8899999999999999" where you're expecting ".89". This is a normal consequence of using floating-point arithmetic: most values are not quite exact. If you want to see the results, say, rounded to two decimal places, we can format the output. The simplest way to do this is with System.out.printf(). See the alternate test class
      for an illustration.
  3. Next, write Java code for the logic of the second flowchart. Don't modify the code you have in the postage1 package; instead, copy into the package postage2 and edit the package declaration to be postage2. Delete the method body for computePostage so you can rewrite it.
  4. Now edit the import statement of so it refers to postage2.PostageUtil, and run it again.

    • Now you can probably see why we're using different packages: you can have the test code run a completely different implementation of PostageUtil just by changing the import statement.
  5. Do the same for the third flowchart, using package postage3.
  6. Finally, use postage1.PostageUtil to create a Java class with a main method that reads a weight from the console, and prints out the postage.
    • Note that the Scanner class includes a method nextDouble that is similar to nextInt but can read floating-point numbers.