Extrinsic (multiply on left)
Intrinsic (multiply on right)
Current transformation matrix:
Rotation increment:
Keyboard controls:
d - rotate camera 15 degrees around y-axis
D - rotate camera direction -15 degrees around y-axis
e - toggle camera elevation up/down
y - RotateY(incr) (denoted "Y")
Y - RotateY(-incr) (denoted "Y-1")
x - RotateX(incr)
X - RotateX(-incr)
z - RotateZ(incr)
Z - RotateZ(-incr)
o - Reset to identity
p, q, r - test RotateZ(-35) * RotateY(60) * RotateZ(55) one step at a time (works in intrinsic mode only)
(this should approximately undo the effect of RotateY(-45) * RotateX(-45), using the ZYZ ordering)