Keyboard controls for light position and direction. Initially, the
light object is at 0, 4, 0 and is rotated 90 degrees clockwise about its x-axis so
negative z-axis is pointing at origin. The yellow line is aligned with
the object's negative z-azis.
(I.e. it is "looking" down at the origin):
- a, d - move light left, right (along its x axis)
- w, s - move light down, up (this is "forward" and "back" where light actually moves up/down along its z axis; notice
that as you press the w key, the shadow gets larger)
- r, f - move light farther, closer (this is "up" and "down" where light will move along its y axis)
- i, k - look up, look down (light will initially turn away/towards you)
- j, l - turn left, turn right (rotate about world y, so has no effect initially)
- O - face origin (must not be aligned with y axis!)
- I, J, K, L - orbit down, right, up, left about origin
- x, X, y, Y, z, Z - positive/negative rotations about light's own axis
- SPACE - pause rotation of cube