Date |
In Class |
Code |
On Your Own |
This document is updated frequently, so remember to refresh your browser.
Week 14 |
November 28 |
- Introducing objects in Python
- An object is a thing with its own state, along with operations that modify or observe that state
- A type of object is defined by a
- Basic terminology
- functions defined in a class definition are traditionally called "methods"
- the
__init__ method is known as a "constructor"
- The variables defined in the
__init__ method are called "instance variables", since each instance of the class has its own copies of these variables.
Picture of the cash register instances in pythontutor
Read How to Think Like a Computer Scientist, Chapter 14.
November 30 |
- Modeling an object in the real world
- Describing an interaction with the object
- Determining the operations (methods) that are needed
- Writing a usage example or test case
- Defining the class and determining what instance variables are needed
There will be a group quiz covering the basics of objects and class definitions in Python. Read How to Think Like a Computer Scientist, Chapter 14.
December 2 |
- Using an object as a simple data container
- Reading a file and creating a list of objects
contact_info.txt (sample text file)
Week 13 |
November 14 |
November 14 |
- More about nested loops
- Using a 2-dimensional grid
- A "grid" is just a list of lists
- Each element of the grid is one row, consisting of a list
- The element at row
r , column c is grid[r][c]
- The number of rows is
- The number of columns is
November 18 |
Week 12 |
November 7 |
- A variable in a module that is declared outside of all functions is a global variable
- All functions can read the values of global variables
- To update a global variable, must use the
global keyword
- Global variables are one way a program can keep track of state
- Use with caution: lots of global variables makes code very difficult to verify and maintain
November 9 |
- Reading text files
- End-of-line characters
- The escape sequences
\t , \n , and \r
(You'll need a file called testfile.txt in your program's current working directory in order to run this )
November 11 |
Week 11 |
October 31 |
- Lists are mutable!
- item assignment
- appending or inserting elements
- deleting elements
- Common list operations - append, insert, pop, remove, index, sort
- The
del keyword
- Read How to Think..., Section 10.14 and related sections
November 2 |
- Operations that remove elements from a list
remove(item) , pop(pos) , and the del keyword
- In general, you should not try to remove elements while you are iterating over the list! (see examples)
- List variables are references, understanding
lst = temp versus lst[:] = temp
- There will be a group quiz on list methods, e.g. see How to Think..., Section 10.14 and related sections
November 4 |
- Binary arithmetic as a kind of boolean operation
- Logic gates for
and , or , and not
- Combining logic gates to make a circuit for binary addition
- Registers for storing values, the system clock
Week 10 |
October 24 |
- Introducing while-loops
- Anatomy of a while-loop
- 1. Loop body (What is the repeated action?)
- 2. Initialization (What do I need to get started?)
- 3. Condition (How do I know when to stop?)
October 26 |
- Examples with while-loops
- Use a for-loop when iterating over a known sequence or range of values
- Use a while-loop when the number of iterations is difficult to predict or bound
- Thinking about types of loops
- Do I need a for-loop or a while-loop?
- Do I need to process every piece of data, or can I return as soon as I "find" something?
- (For string or list) Can I just iterate over the elements, or do I need to use an index?
- There will be a group quiz on while-loops. Read Eels, Chapter 17.
October 28 |
- Using the string
split() method
- Using
split() with a delimiter
- Alternatives to using
- Even really smart programmers make mistakes!
- Tracking down errors using the Wing 101 debugger
Week 9 |
October 17 |
- Using an index to access an individual character of string
or list,
- Using the bracket notation to get a substring or slice
of a string or list,
- Loops using an index
October 19 |
- String operations are methods rather than built-in functions
- We write
s.upper() , not upper(s)
- There will be a group quiz on indices and substrings. Read Eels, Chapter 13
- See Eels, Chapter 14 on string operations.
October 21 |
- More examples of loops with indices
- The idea of a nested loop
Week 8 |
October 10 |
- Using an auxiliary variable as an accumulator or counter in a for-loop
- The search pattern - once you find something, don't "un-find" it
October 12 |
- Using accumulator pattern with multiplication or string concatenation
- Using an early return in a loop for searching
- There will be a group quiz covering for-loops. Review your notes from Monday and read Eels, Chapter 16
October 14 |
- Binary (base 2) numbers
- Encoding characters as numbers
- Comparing strings, lexicographic ordering
Week 7 |
October 3 |
October 5 |
- More about for-loops
- Using the loop variable
- More about
range expressions
- Iterating over other types of lists
- See How to Think... Sections 4.4 - 4.7
October 7 |
- Problem-solving strategies
- Can I solve a part of the problem?
- Can I solve a related, simpler problem?
Procedural decomposition: break a problem into sub-problems, and compose the solutions together
- See the summary at the beginning of the homework 3 spec
Week 6 |
September 26 |
- DeMorgan's laws
- Using multiple return statements
September 28 |
- Using a "unit test" to quickly check results from a function
- Incremental development - write code a little at a time and test frequently
- There will be a group quiz on Chapter 8 (value-returning functions)
September 30 |
- Exam review
- Using boolean variables and boolean expressions
- Unit testing and incremental development, con't
- Function that determines leap years
Week 5 |
September 19 |
- Defining functions
- Arguments are the values you pass to the function when you call it, can be any expression of the right type
- Parameters are the variables listed in parentheses in the function definition; they get their values from the arguments you supply
- Parameter variables are "local" (not visible outside
the function body)
- Flow of control in function calls
September 21 |
- Value-returning functions and the
return statement
- Two kinds of functions
- Functions that return a value (like
len , pow
- Functions that perform some action (like
print ) and usually don't return a value
- Using our own modules
September 23 |
- The boolean operators
and , or , and not .
- Truth tables
- There will be a group quiz today covering Eels, Chapter 7
- Read Eels, Chapter 9
Week 4 |
September 12 |
- Recap: for-loops and the idea of a statement block
- Conditional statements: using
if and if...else
September 14 |
- Nested conditional statements
- Multiple alternatives and the
elif keyword
- There will be a group quiz covering Eels, Chapter 5
- Read Eels, Chapter 6
September 16 |
- Problem-solving with conditional statements
Sally orders lunch (video)
Our solution in pseudocode
MU parking rates
Week 3 |
September 5 |
September 7 |
- Using built-in Python functions
- Reading input with the
input function
- Type conversion functions
int , float , and str
- String concatenation using the
+ operator
- Read Eels Chapter 4
- Start the homework!
September 9 |
- Recap:
input and number conversions
- Integer arithmetic vs. floating point arithmetic
- Floating point arithmetic is almost never exact
- Try calculating (1/3) * 300 on a pocket calculator
- Try calculating (29 / 100) * 100 in Python
- Modules such as
math or turtle and how to find documentation
- The basic
for loop: repeating some action a fixed number of times
- There will be a group quiz on topics from Eels, Chapter 4
- We will do much more with for-loops and ranges in a couple of weeks, but you can start reading more about them in ThinkCS (How to Think Like a Computer Scientist), Chapter 4
Week 2 |
August 29 |
- Defining variables
- The assignment operator
- Use
== to check equality, not =
- Example: making change
- A general problem-solving strategy: start with a simple, concrete example
- E.g., to solve the problem of making change for an unknown amount, first work it out for 67 cents.
- Read Eels Chapter 2 and try the examples
- Remember to go to lab this week!
August 31 |
- A general problem-solving strategy: start with a simple, concrete example
- E.g., to solve the problem of making change for an unknown amount, first work it out for 67 cents.
- Small group problem-solving exercise.
September 4 |
- Problem-solving strategies reviewed: start with a simple, concrete example
Week 1 |
August 22 |
- Read the syllabus!
- Read Eels Chapter 1!
August 24 |
- Formal syntax of a programming language
- keywords, operators, identifiers, literal values
- Some ways to experiment with Python code:
- The "activecode" windows in the textbooks
- The Python interactive shell
- Philip Guo's
Python Tutor
(aka the "codelens" tool in the textbooks)
- To create a program or script that we want to save:
- Use any text editor
- Use an "Integrated Development Environment" or "IDE" such as Wing 101 or IDLE
- Writing our first Python program
- Read Eels Chapter 2 and try the examples
- If you want to get started writing programs, take a look at the
Lab 1 from last year and see the page on "Wing 101". (All the computers in the Pearson labs should have Wing 101 installed.)
August 26 |
- Operators and literal values in Python
- Integer division and the "mod" operator (
% )
- Some of Python's types:
int - whole numbers
float - numbers with a decimal point
str - strings of text
bool - the values True and False
- Making syntax errors and interpreting error messages
- Role of the Python interpreter